Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teacher Bak-a-rume

Greg, he is soo funny. He is five Korean age, so really four. Every time we have class he says, "Teacher, Bak-a-rume" which translates to, "Teacher, Bathroom."

He usually pulls this about five times a class period. He then will walk out the door, and then walk right back in. Well I knew I had to share this with you, so I cornered him at school and demanded he say it... here you are...

Also, here are some other pictures of my kids. This is my homeroom class, Stanford. We went to a museum. I love them.

Also a couple other stories, or just weird things my students have said to me:

1. "Tara Teacher, are you a happy hamburger?"
    "Yes, I am a happy hamburger."

2. "Ben, you need to put on your coat! NOW!"
     " Oh, Tara Teacher because it is a jacket force-feild?"
      (This kid is four)

Ok also, I dont know if these videos are boring for people, but of course they are not for me since i love these babies but here is a day in the life as a teacher in Korea, with the strangest kids. Notice Andy, my favorite and notice Edward, the scary one yelling at me, calling me "old woman" in Korean.

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