Friday, September 17, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was my first day of school (as you can see, Teacher mode on the left) and boy was it interesting! Lets see, I took a taxi to work and shared it with a couple other girls so it is only about $1.50 one way. I a lot of different classes, since the students rotate high school style. Korean kids are SO funny! They are kinda crazy. They laugh a lot! They call you, "Teacher", and then your name, so I am "Teacher Tara", kinda has a nice ring to it.

I was looking around the classrooms, comparing them to the ones I have seen in American and a few things stuck out to me...

1. The sign on the wall that says, "Turn off your sell phones."
2. A students pencil case that had a picture of a cat on it saying, "I am princess"
3. A poster on the wall that said," How to raise edible snails... they will grow to be about the size of a child's fist." BARF!

Very interesting indeed. The kids also wear clothes that have English phrases that make no sense, such as "Looking for, looking for, looking for chico line." Hmmm..

As I am talking to more people I have found out more about Korea. ITS WHERE YOU PARTY! I told one of my co-workers that I do not drink, it is a promise I made to God as part of my religion. I then said, what am I suppose to do here if I don't drink, her reply.."absolutely nothing" but then assured me not to worry because "Korea is the place where good girls go bad" and then mentioned that I would end up sleeping with a lot of guys... oh dear. Mom and Dad, I guess I will be coming home to you as a totally different woman. (Joke, Joking!)

School was fun. There are 3 American teachers and the rest are Korean. I have heard there is some tension between the two groups, haha.

I am definitely going to be busy with this job which is great. Its really strange how serious school is. Most of these kids go to school all day, I work until about 6:00, and the kids are still there, and then they have homework. Poor little things.

Anyways, first day went well, I am still jet lagged and sick but all went well considering. I am feeling so much better about this place.

I have explored a lot around my apartment. It is so interesting, there are a couple locals that i have met and just loved, even though we cant communicate. They are so sweet. I have also learned a few words, which i want to learn a lot more. I like the language its so... Asian.

My goal for this weekend is to get myself to church, it might take a bit but I need to, Im excited to see the church in Korea! 


  1. GET TO CHURCH!!!! Happy Birthday Tara...we love you and miss you...

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and listen to your mother. When you meet church members you won't be a changed woman when you come home. Have fun and enjoy the ride. Love always

  3. gurl Happy Birfday!!! I wish I was there to buy you boba, or something.. ok for your next posts here are my requests.... a log of what you have been eating.. is there any normal food. Also can you take pics of your apartment, like the kitchen and bathroom, and all that, and please keep posting the funny asian things like, "afrog"
    I love you and miss you, so does ellis.... i'll send you pics of her.

  4. Happy bday again Ta!
    I LOVE reading your blog and seeing the pictures. I will be reading it for sure! Keep up the good work. I am so proud of you!
    I really like your coi fish swimming on your page, very Asian of you!
    can't wait to read about your life!
    XOXO Miss you already...
    PS. I know you will be growing edible snails in your apartment real soon! YUM!

  5. ratty i really like your little fish that chase the cursor.. the are so asian!!!

  6. when i pulled up your blog ellie started saying, "tuta.. yeah!!!!"

  7. Tara, this is your cousin Val in Corpus Christi, Texas following your exploits in Korea. It sounds like a facinating adventure. Thank heavens you are anchored in your faith. Someone in Texas is thinking about you and praying for you. The 'Education of Tara' will be enlightening for us all.
