Saturday, September 25, 2010

Trip to the Hospital

So I went to the hospital to get a physical so I could get my alien registration card which means that I can get a phone, so this was a very good thing. The hospital experience was definitely an interesting one. IT looked more like an airport, escalators, weird rows of chairs in every direction, little food stands...

Another weird thing was the people walking around with their catheters in with their pee filling up the bags... eww. They were just mingling with the people eating, and waiting to picked up. Sick. Another thing was all the people that would just roll their IV's around...

So another thing is that in the hospital they have station, so I got my blood work done at one, peed in a cup at another (for some reason there was a man in the women's restroom), did a chest e-xray at another and finished my physical off at another. So strange. I seem to be healthy except for my poor eyesight, but thats nothing new.

Now for a couple random things....

I hate mosquitoes and somehow, they get into my apartment and eat me alive. I currently have five just on one hand and nine on one arm, seven on my face and it doesnt stop there. I HATE THEM! Well, the ones here are small, and very fast, they are like little hummingbirds, almost impossible to swat but I finally did and here is the result. I know its gross but I had been chasing this sucker for like about two days. So here his the dead bug with my blood splatter across my wall.

Something else! On my way home from school I always notice this little old lady making this food that she sells. I tried yesterday and it is so good! I forgot what it is called but it is made of these super thick noodles, fish and this very spicy sauce. Its super good.

Anyways, till next time!


  1. mmm.. that looks good.. almost as good as sloppy joes.. but then i made the sloppy joes and they were gross.
    ok so when i read the part about the cathaders and pee.. I just pictured a bunch of naked people... maybe it's because I just watched womens appreciation, the office where phylis gets flashed... so I hope you weren't among a bunch of naked peeps.
    Oh and as for the man in the womens restroom.. sometimes you never know.
    I swear i saw a man with a bear, and boobs.. so maybe he/she wasn't a man afterall.

    thanks for all the updates.

  2. I thought the blood and bug on the wall was Asian art....

  3. I think that's dukboki. I like the non-spicy kind because I'm a wimp :p Actually my boyfriend's family and I were talking about it the other day, and supposedly girls are supposed to really like dukboki, like more than guys. Kind of like chocolate I think. Anyway, I like reading your blog!
